Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cloud Computing Providers, Cloud Services Providers In USA

Are you looking for cloud computing providers? Need efficient cloud services & solutions? Then we are the correct option for your cloud needs.

GlobalCloudSolutions is a leading cloud computing provider in the USA. Our company is a reputed firm in the field of cloud computing since long. Our efficient cloud computing has enabled our clients to achieve astonishing success in their business.

Another benefit of our cloud computing services is the cost savings. Nowadays, companies are looking to reduce overall costs without compromising services. Here the financial profit of our cloud computing services comes into play. With our services, you can run your office with no IT staff and no servers because we take care of both. As a conclusion, you will be saving considerable costs.

We have deployed our cloud computing services for small offices as well as large business organizations, including well known hospitals in the USA and UK. One of the key benefits is that we deployed our own SaaS platform before the words "Cloud" and "SaaS" were a buzz. Now we manage software on both a proprietary Cloud as well as the Amazon Cloud.

Quality and accuracy in our cloud computing services are the major factors that make us unique from others. For more information about our excellent cloud computing services, please feel free to contact us at:

Or email us your requirements at:


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cloud Computing: An Introduction To Cloud Computing Services

As the Information Technology Industry is expanding its wings like never before, various new services are emerging rapidly. Cloud computing is one of the most recognized services of all nowadays. The number of advantages and facilities that cloud computing provides makes it a popular service amongst all IT professionals.

What is cloud computing and what are its benefits?

First of all, lets see the definition of cloud computing. It can be defined as a computing service that provides users accurate and efficient computing resources and services via the Internet. In other words, numerous shared resources, computing software and useful information are provided to user's computers via Internet's medium.

Let's take an example to understand this. Suppose there is a newly developed company and it wants to use software to maintain records. For that it needs to first buy a server and then to install software. After that, it will need a staff such as network engineer and other technicians to maintain this software. It will also have to deal with salaries of these people.

But if it uses cloud options instead, then it will not be facing such financial issues anymore. If it consults a cloud provider, then that provider hosts that software by third party servers that are reachable through the Internet. So that company will only pay for the software and services it uses - no need to pay for costs like hosting. Suppose the company uses accounting software and its services, then it will have to pay only for the amount of usage of that particular software - nothing more than that.

Definitely cloud software and services can prove to be the backbone of any company's growth and success. Many companies are using it effectively and larger number of companies is going to use it in coming future.
So if you would like to get more information regarding cloud computing services, then please feel free to contact us at:


Friday, October 8, 2010

Cloud Computing - Does Your Business Belong in 'The Cloud?'

The SaaS model that began a few years ago has now evolved into the "Cloud' computing model being utilized today. Improvements were made to enhance performance and strengthen security. It is a great option for many organizations because it provides:
  • Lower maintenance and support costs than premise based alternatives
  • Lower entry point than a licensed purchase
  • Fast Deployment
  • Reduced challenges associated with upgrades, updates, and security patches
  • The ability for remote employees to stay connected
  • Reduce workload on already busy IT departments
  • Highly customizable user settings
  • Lower risk with the ability to easily change vendors if desired
Pushing information in the cloud improves collaboration; business partners, employees and customers all benefit from the ease and availability that Cloud computing delivers. Anyone with access to the Internet can now engage in operations through these web based services.

Another key benefit of computing in the Cloud is the cost savings. Businesses today are cash strapped and are looking to reduce costs without compromising services. The financial benefits of Cloud computing are huge. The Yankee Group estimates that Cloud computing brings cost reductions of 50% or more for IT spending. Typically IT savings demands high up front costs, with savings being realized over time. Cloud computing brings almost instants savings, since there are no large, front end costs around implementation.

Types of Clouds:
Cloud computing offers organizations improved options that were not available with SaaS. Cloud models include:
  • Private/Internal Clouds -emulate cloud computing on private networks capitalizing on data security, corporate governance, and reliability concerns. Users "still have to buy, build, and manage them" and as such do not benefit from lower up-front capital costs and less hands-on management.
  • Hybrid Clouds - consist of multiple internal and/or external providers; an organization provides and manages some resources in-house and has others provided externally.
  • Community Clouds - several organizations have similar requirements and seek to share infrastructure so as to realize some of the benefits of cloud computing.
  • Public Clouds - a shared environment where service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the general public over the Internet. Public clouds may have hundreds or even thousands of businesses running in isolated containers within the same physical environment.
With the advances is security and delivery, Cloud computing is proving to be an excellent tool to improve business services while reducing costs. Author Nicholas Carr, argues that the cloud computing paradigm shift is similar to the displacement of electricity generators by electricity grids early in the 20th century. At first there was fear about pooling services with other businesses, but security measures were put in place and costs were greatly reduced by sharing infrastructure.